Can I Help?

Please do! There are many ways that you can help

Almost 100% of any money you donate goes straight to where it’s needed in Uganda, made possible thanks to all the volunteers who help us.


Join in the coffee mornings, bag packing, sponsored runs and walks and non-uniform days that are organised throughout the year. You could also organise an event yourself, or send us your fundraising ideas. Don’t be shy. We’ll announce events on our news page, and also on facebook.


Sponsor a Child’s Education

Many children in Kyunamakaaka don’t go to school because many of the schools charge fees, and they cannot afford them. Sponsors typically pay €55 a year, which covers fees, books, uniform and sometimes a bit of porridge. Sponsors get two or three reports a year from the school principal.


Join our annual team of volunteers who spend two to three weeks in Uganda doing building projects, bush feeding programs and teaching,  or whatever comes naturally. For more details, see our volunteering page.

Spread the word

Your voice is just as important if you can’t support us financially or as a volunteer. We need you to spread the word about UgaIrish Project and the people of Uganda. Prayers can help, too.

If you’d like to get involved, don’t hesitate to contact us. We’d love to hear from you!